Upcoming events in Greek and Roman Studies

Classical Association of Vancouver Island (CAVI) Lectures 2024-2025

CAVI is the UVic's organization for people interested in the Greek and Roman worlds.  The department of Greek and Roman Studies hosts monthly lectures by local and international scholars. The lectures are free.  Everyone is welcome to attend.

Date Event Information Speaker Title
19 Sep 2024 7:30 pm
CLE A224
Dr. Brendan Burke

Re-Discovering GreeceCurrent Archaeological Work and Future Prospects

10 October 2024 7:30pm
CLE A224
Dr. Lana Radloff Sacred Seafaring: Intervisibility, Cult Sites, and Maritime Mobility
30 Oct 2024 7:30 pm
CLE A224
Dr. Sarah Morris From Hatti to Hissarlik: The Prehistory of the Trojan War
21 Nov 2024 7:30pm
CLE A224
Liv Albert TBA: discussion and Q&A

Department Seminars 2024-2025

The Department of Greek and Roman Studies hosts a series of seminars on Friday afternoons by local and international scholars on topics related to the Greek and Roman worlds.  

Event Information Speaker Title
27 Sep

CLE B415

Ted Snyders How to Bard
25 Oct 2024

2:30 pm
CLE B017

Caroline Preston Subversive Horace
31 Oct 2024 3:30pm
CLE B415
Dr. Sarah Morris From the Kingdom of Philoktetes to the Curse of Agamemnon: Northern Greece in the Age of Homer


The Distinguished Women Scholars (DWS) Awards and Lecture Series were established by the Vice-President Academic and Provost to highlight and honour outstanding research and creative achievements by female-identifying scholars. The purpose of these awards is to celebrate, recognize and share the impact of outstanding research and creative achievements by women at any stage of their careers.This year's DWS Guest Speaker is Dr. Sarah Morris.  Dr. Morris (Steinmetz Professor of Classical Archaeology and Material Culture (emerita)) is a classicist and archaeologist in the Department of Classics and the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA.

Date and Time Event Information Lecture title
28 October
COR B143
Out of Anatolia: The Trojan War in Early Greek Art and Poetry
30 October 7:30pm
CLE A224
From Hatti to Hissarlik: The Prehistory of the Trojan War
31 October 3:30pm
CLE B415
From the Kingdom of Philoktetes to the Curse of Agamemnon: Northern Greece in the Age of Homer


UVic's Public Lecture Series features accomplished individuals from a vast array of academic and research endeavours.  As host of this lecture series, UVic continues its commitment to making a vital impact on people, places and the planet. This year's Lansdowne Guest Speaker is TBA.

Date and Time Event Information Lecture Title