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Research Impact Award

The University of Victoria's Impact Research Award recognizes and celebrates scholars who maximize the impact of academic research for the public good. This award recognizes a significant project, product, event, service or body of work beyond academia that demonstrates excellence in impact to a community. The University of Victoria defines research impact as the purposeful communication, exchange and application of knowledge developed through an ongoing process of research and/or creative and artistic endeavour for the benefit of society.


University of Victoria faculty, emeritus faculty and librarians are eligible for this award.

Selection guidelines

The selection committee interprets "research" as the advancement of knowledge through the intentional process of study, discovery, innovation and creative expression.

The committee will consider differences among nominees’ achievements, including the various outputs and outcomes in their respective scientific, artistic and scholarly disciplines. It may confidentially consult with experts in these disciplines. Moreover, it may elect to move a nominee to another award category.

The committee may decide not to make the full number of awards in any year depending on the quality and/or number of nominations available. It also reserves the right to make joint awards and/or to confer two awards in a category.

Nomination components

Submit your nomination through the online form. Submit all the nomination components in one combined PDF.

Nomination letter

A signed 1-page statement (Maximum one page, 12-point font, 2.5 cm margins) from a tenured UVic faculty member or librarian expressing the following components:

  1. Descriptions of one or more specific activities that exemplify excellence relevant to this award. 
  2. Awards, honours and other forms of recognition. These might include (but are not limited to) exhibitions; research, creative or research-creation grants; invited presentations; election to boards; prizes.
  3. A description of how the nominee’s work advances scholarship, art and/or societal impact.

Referee letter

A signed 1-page letter (Maximum one page, 12-point font, 2.5 cm margins) from a UVic-associated campus community member (faculty, librarian, staff or student).

Referees can have collaborated with the nominee, but they must disclose the nature of their relationship with the nominee and comment on any possible conflict of interest. To avoid redundancy in information, please send your letter of support to the primary nominator for submission. Letters must express the following components:

  1. Explanation of relationship with the nominee
  2. Description of how the nominee meets the requirements for the award

Reflective statement

A 1-page self-reflective statement from the nominee highlighting achievements relevant to this award (max. one page, 12-point font, 2.5 cm margins).

Curriculum vitae

A CV of any length

Biography of the nominee

This will be used to brief the adjudicators and for promotional purposes if the nominee is the successful candidate. (100 words maximum.)


This award includes a $1,000 research grant; funds must be used within 18 months of the award notification. Recipients will receive their awards at the annual REACH Awards ceremony in Spring, 2025. The awards will be publicized by UVic Communications + Marketing.


 Contact the Awards Facilitator.

Past recipients

  • 2023 | Phalguni Mukhopadhyaya – Civil Engineering
  • 2022 | Janelle Jenstad – Humanities
  • 2021 | Jordan Stanger-Ross – Humanities
  • 2020 | Ann Stahl – Social Sciences
  • 2019 | Charlotte Schallié – Humanities
  • 2018 | Elizabeth Vibert – History