
The Department of History, Economics and Society (DEHES) looks at economics from the standpoint of history and political economy. The department’s programmes and research activities focus on economics, but are also informed by the social sciences. Viewing economic issues within their social context highlights the importance of institutions and power relations. This illustrates the complexity of capitalism, and the challenges raised by economic crises.

The department is part of a long-standing tradition of economic history within the University of Geneva. The faculty offers programmes in political economy and economic and social history at Bachelor, Master and PhD level. It also regularly hosts seminars and other research activities in collaboration with the Paul Bairoch Institute of Economic History (IHEPB).

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Agenda :

  • Séminaire"Modelling low-carbon transitions in Colombia: macrofinancial opportunities and risks"

    01.10.2024 18:15 – 20:00 / Uni Mail / Uni-Mail - Salle M1140 - Political Economy Seminar (+ Zoom)

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  • Séminaire" American Ingenuity & the Transformation of the Market for Cotton "

    03.10.2024 18:15 – 20:00 / Uni Mail / Salle M5020 (Uni-Mail)

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  • Séminaire" Popularity and decline of the maritime loan in Spanish Atlantic World Trade, 1740-1830 "

    17.10.2024 18:15 – 20:00 / Uni Mail / Salle M5020 (Uni-Mail)

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  • Projection de filmJustice environnementale, résistance et activisme écologique: projection des films et débat

    22.10.2024 18:30 – 20:30 / Uni Mail / Salle MR070

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