Stephen Wolfram Livestreams

UPCOMING: JULY 1, 2024 @ 2:00PM ET

Live CEOing 817: Language Design in Wolfram Language »

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Live CEOing #816:
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Live CEOing #815:
Business, Innovation & Managing Life Q&A:
What business opportunities could you see being successful in the next ten years? ​​​​What do you think about the sort of "density of information" in science or philosophy? Like your TED talk could be a pamphlet, a book or a multi-volume set of books—same deal with philosophy? Would you ever teach a how-to writing course? ​​​​What's your opinion about the space tourism business? Do you think there's a missing feature of current tech that computer or phone developers are overlooking? How can they capitalize on AI? Somebody from NASA or SpaceX should put a 360-degree camera on Mars such that people on Earth can look around. How important do you think interdisciplinary knowledge is for driving innovation? I'm entering college this fall. What advice do you have for a college student's first year? Can you think of ways to make a career out of learning? How can I stay focused and work on projects that I'm not necessarily excited about with general ed, especially where my major is not focused? I have several ideas for real-world applications of my work and I am a scholar in my heart, and it seems that a math PhD (currently doing MSc) and then continuing to be around academia is the best way to do that. Could you say your thoughts about this? Should I leave academia and work on these, or mix, or only after PhD? [My advice for education is] take classes that teach you how to learn or solve problems or different ways to think about subjects. Those were the most valuable classes. Could there be an argument for different types of schooling vs. common curriculums to better fit different learning styles? ​​How do you compare scholarly life vs. entrepreneurial life? Can being a CEO be taught or is it something a person innately has the ability for? What would you study? View Less »
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Live CEOing #814:
Live CEOing #813:
Live CEOing #812:
Live CEOing #811:
Live CEOing #810:
Live CEOing #809:
Future of Science & Technology Q&A:
Continuing the dinosaur theme, is it possible biology can repeat patterns of evolution? Is it possible for dinosaur-like creatures to reappear? Why is it as technology advances, it goes through phases of bigger to smaller to bigger? I've seen this with phones, computers, TVs, cars, etc. What does this say for the future of technology? ​​​​What would be the future of the personal computing paradigm? Would we see more remote cloud-like computing and storage in the future, essentially making personal computing devices obsolete? The current AI/LLM models aren't good at the mathematical and statistical computational methods. What areas do you think should be focused on in computer science and mathematics to teach these models to be better at computation and assist researchers and scientists? What do you think of the amount of data that gets processed or code that is run in terms of bytes vs. bytes that are used for storage in the world? What exactly is 5G? How is it different from 4G or 3G? Nowadays, instead of getting higher resolution, we can get higher color range and frame rate. If AI is being used for autonomous vehicles, then presumably technology could improve to the level where vehicles could "see around corners" by different vehicles communicating with each other, buildings, etc.—so the video stream is from multiple perspectives? Taking the concept further, could vehicles on a motorway and those joining seamlessly interweave at high speeds safely and traffic be diverted automatically in real time to ensure that there are no blockages etc.? Turns out that as computer displays get better, our sensor limitations turn out to be higher than we used to think. I recall reading something saying that 5G and low-latency connectivity would be important for self-driving cars. That seems somewhat unlikely to be an important component of self-driving now. What's the future of fiber optics? In the future, will cell towers be more advanced to prevent dead zones? View Less »
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Live CEOing #808: