Note regarding Domain Name status and availability and (not to) purchase.
The domain name is not for sale and we prefer not to be contacted (unless, of course, you're offering 7 figures).

Please refrain from contacting the domain owner on this topic. "Three character domain names" have some intrinsic value but those are shared by the current owners also.
Thanks     (Updated 10/2023)

Note: Southeast High School Class of 64 in Kansas City
web site domain expired. Archived at Dennis

Home Page Service
  • Providing knowledgeable consulting and innovative business software since 1994.
  • History: The domain was registered in 1994 at a time when nearly all (26x26x26) three character domain names were taken. We provide web based, database driven business applications for a select set of clients.
  • We have a set of applications deployed to assist small businesses in both public and internal use web sites.
    These have grown to support intensive database driven applications, extensive self-publishing features, and support for online-charges (e-Commerce).
  • Development is ongoing and stablized. Activities include a number of civic, hobby, and family projects also.
    Plans for blogging, contact management, and miscellaneous keep us busy and active. Been there, done that.

Domain is not for sale

Other HPS web sites.
For your convenience here are some known "HPS" links which are not affiliated with this site. HPS Payment Services... was "HighTech Payment Systems" (HP - Hewlett-Packard) (Hamilton Place Strategies)