Residents shocked after learning of attack at ice cream shop in The Gulch

The suspect faces multiple charges including attempted kidnapping and sexual battery.
A scary situation at an ice cream shop in The Gulch after police say a woman was trying to use the bathroom when a man tried to force his way inside with her.
Published: May. 17, 2024 at 6:02 PM CDT
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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) - People who live in The Gulch say they consider the neighborhood safe — that’s why learning of an attack at a popular ice cream shop left them shocked.

“I walk my dog all the time by myself, even at night,” Bailey Cochran said. “I’ve never felt threatened in any way.”

Cochran has lived in The Gulch for over two years and has never heard of something like this happening in her area.

“I feel safe when I’m walking around,” Olivia Guyhan said. “I mean I always keep myself alert at all times.”

Both Cochran and Guyhan were shocked when we told them what Metro police say happened Thursday afternoon.

According to an affidavit, a woman was going to use the bathroom at Nashville Sundae Club when a man attempted to also use the bathroom.

After opening the door for the man, police say he tried to force the woman into the bathroom with him. She fought back, locking herself inside the bathroom until help could arrive.

Police say the suspect in the case is Nelson Ortiz-Ramirez.

“It definitely makes you think,” Cochran said. “Definitely makes you want to watch your surroundings a bit closer.”

Police say the victim’s boyfriend quickly came to her aid.

He was able to get some pictures of the guy before he was hit in the head with his backpack and shortly thereafter, the suspect took off.

“I’m a big, ‘I’m always looking down at my phone,’ so maybe I will look down less and pay attention more to where I’m going, who’s around,” Cochran said.

The Sundae Club says they have two personal bathrooms with keys the staff hands to customers.

They say the suspect was not a customer, and on surveillance, is seen coming in from the street and heading right to the bathroom area.

Both Cochran and Guyhan say situations like this make them rethink their surroundings, even when they’re somewhere they think they’re safe.

“What happened sounds very scary, and I’ll definitely be on high alert from now on,” Guyhan added.

Ortiz-Ramirez faces multiple charges including attempted kidnapping and sexual battery.

EDITORS NOTE: WSMV4 inaccurately reported the case was being investigated as an attempted rape. The suspect is not charged with rape, however, the victim told police she was worried the suspect would try to rape her.