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History of a dispute with a spammer

Actual History

The following links are not for the ``weak of heart" so don't read them - or get upset if you do!


October 28, 1998

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If you haven't done so yet - join  CAUCE -


We've waited about all we can wait.  I know many of you have done the same.  My apologies for the length of time it's taken to update this site.

I'm not a quiter - never have been.  If the attorneys still feel obligated to pursue this matter, then great, but I can't continue to deliver false promises or any kind of hope to any of you that have supported me.  I'm not sure where the attorneys are with this case, or even if they're still pursuing it, but I'm not receiving updates from them anymore regarding the case.  Since we were backed by our collection agency, it's not a really simple process to find out what progress has been made, and the last message that I did receive was not at all promising, so I am assuming it's over - although we will check for sure by the end of this week.

We've billed over $60,000.00 to spammers - none of which has been collected.  We upset some people, made some of them run, but in the end, they just wound up somewhere else doing business by spamming from some other venue.  If you ask me, it's gotten way out of hand.

My best wishes to organizations like CAUCE and to the people who truly believe in this fight.  I still believe in it, but I've lost faith in the ability of the ``abusers" to actually follow any type of moral stance or even legislation, should anything worthy come about.

As many of you know, I declined money offers and I've never attempted to pursue this from a monetary standpoint.  Some thought that is what I was attempting.  Whatever...  Most of you understood my pursuit, and that meant a lot to me, and the rest of my company.

So, now, what?  Where do we go from here?  My suggestions are the same as the rest, I suppose. Talk to your congressman and any legislator you can reach and tell them you're against spam, against UCE.  Continue to do battle the way we always have by contacting the ISP and moving on from there.  It's all gotten so complicated because people are relentless in their pursuit of this particular form of marketing.  My e-mail account is still full of it - as it will always be, I'm sure.  Good luck to the rest of you!

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