[ prog / sol / mona ]


ThePrimeTime is bashing Haskell nowadays

1 2024-05-16 19:46


2 2024-05-16 20:18


3 2024-05-16 20:26

Who is that? Why should I care?

4 2024-05-16 20:41


Famous vlogger. Like MrBeast, but no money from NFT scams.

5 2024-05-16 20:53 *


link the class to programmer vtubers so we can collectively cringe

6 2024-05-17 04:00

Programmer vtubers audience is a thing? I'm old.

7 2024-05-17 05:30

omg guys aren't these few retarded people on the internet really retarded wow
...25 fucking minutes of this

There are people out there who watched this video and are now going around the internet bragging how they are not wasting time learning haskell.

Also posting jewtube / reddit links should get you a perma ban or at least be forced into a containment thread

8 2024-05-17 09:27


Where have these bad reddit people touched you?

9 2024-05-17 09:44 *


im not even sure if either those exist are you esl

its fine if you are just asking

or maybe you are wondering what the audience is have you ever seen one of those techie programming streams hosted on some icecast onion for example idk that bores me like watching others play video games but there are retards into it


ruff ruff

10 2024-05-17 10:54


Watching somebody trying to solve a problem blind, while getting frustrated, teaches you how people think, what you can expect from your coworkers and how to form communication with them. It also makes sense to record you yourself attempting to solve a problem you've never seen before, and then analyze it.

But yeah, opinionated clowns are opinionated clowns.

11 2024-05-17 11:30 *


people act different when they are being watched and even more different as a spectacle this is fallacious

a small minority of coworkers are going act like a onion programmer streamer let alone communicate or think like them

majority arent going into it blind either they prepared for an audience with source material

there is no "intelligent learning from others mistakes" here by watching effective fiction instead the consoomer is voluntary inflicting light psychosis and gaining a twisted view of the world

forget opinionated clowns disintelliga simp clowns are worst better cant wait to get off my ass and dig into "vtuber programmers" or whatever they are called and shill them without ever watching them kek thanks for sharing the possible talking points

12 2024-05-17 13:55

Looks like I struck a nerve

13 2024-05-17 13:58 *


be nice to the local redditors bigot

14 2024-05-17 15:43

I adore Uncle Bob!! Bought all his books on AGILE, SOLID and Clean Code!!1111 Every night wet dreams of him taking me roughly.

15 2024-05-17 16:08 *

bob won

16 2024-05-18 12:42

Imagine coming up with a bad design.
And then inventing a SOLID talmud of rules to worship it.
Instead of being atheist.

17 2024-05-18 12:44

Embracing the SOLID Principles:

Step 1: Recognize Your Sins

Identify areas of the code that violate SOLID principles. Look for classes that have multiple responsibilities, are hard to extend, or have tight coupling with other classes.

Step 2: Repent and Refactor

Refactor your code to align with SOLID principles. Break down large classes, extract interfaces, and decouple dependencies. This might be a gradual process, starting with the most problematic areas.

Step 3: Practice Regular Worship

Consistently apply SOLID principles in new code. Make SOLID design a habit and part of your development culture. Conduct code reviews to ensure adherence to these principles.

Step 4: Spread the Gospel

Teach others about SOLID principles. Share your knowledge and experiences with your team. Encourage a culture of clean code and continuous improvement.

Step 5: Be Vigilant

Continuously review and refactor your codebase. Even the best code can drift away from SOLID principles over time due to new requirements and changes. Regularly assess and adjust to maintain code quality.

18 2024-05-18 17:06 *

what esoteric principle is this originally



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